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Fukuya Japanese Food

Wakayama "Shunka" Dekopon Citrus 和歌山 "俊果" 不知火柑橘

Wakayama "Shunka" Dekopon Citrus 和歌山 "俊果" 不知火柑橘

Regular price $159.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $159.99 CAD
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The Shunka Deco citrus fruit sounds truly exceptional! Allowing the fruit to ripen on the tree for an extended period, up to 60 days longer than usual, is a testament to the Shunka Group's advanced technology and dedication to quality. By ripening on the tree, the fruit can develop a higher sugar content and a more complex flavor profile, resulting in a uniquely delicious taste experience.

It's impressive that Shunka Deco maintains a balance of sweetness and sourness, as well as a thin inner skin that enhances the mouthfeel. These qualities speak to the careful cultivation and attention to detail that goes into producing Shunka brand citrus fruits. It's no wonder that they are highly sought after and appreciated by citrus enthusiasts.

 *For best tasting result, please allow up to 14 days of ripening upon receiving.

不知火柑又名凸頂柑、丑柑、丑橘,英語為 Dekopon,之所以稱為不知火,係由於源產地係熊本縣不知火町。不知火柑因丑出名,而以脆、甜扬名。“我很丑,但是我很爽口”,是其对外宣传的标志性名片。不知火柑虽然外表丑陋,但果肉颗粒分明、晶莹剔透、饱满多汁,且好吃不上火,因此被誉为“世界第一柑”。口感清脆、入口无渣、酸甜爽口是其区别于其他柑橘的显著特点。不知火柑含有人体所需的营养成分和微量元素,尤其是维生素C和糖分含量极为丰富。据测定,不知火柑维生素C的含量是50毫克/100克,远远超过其他柑橘品种。其含糖量一般为13%~14%,最高可达17%,甜度适中

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