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Fukuya Japanese Food

Boiled Atlantic Octopus 日式水煮章魚

Boiled Atlantic Octopus 日式水煮章魚

Regular price $59.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $59.99 CAD
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Octopus is eaten as sashimi as well but, unlike other sashimi, it isn’t served raw but boiled. It is possible to eat raw octopus if it’s very fresh but you will rarely see raw octopus sold as sashimi even in Japan. Often at supermarkets, octopus is already boiled and even sliced for sashimi. 

Octopus is sourced from all over the world, with most of the product arriving from the Northwest coast of Africa.  It is then almost always processed in Japan, which is the hub of octopus preparation, freezing, and shipping. Octopus are short lived, and so do not accumulate the mercury the same way as large predatory fish with long life spans, and are high in protein.  Nutritionally, octopus are a fairly low calorie meal.  Ready to eat pre-cooked!  All you need to do is rinse and slice it up.


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