Awaji Island Preserved Wakame Seaweed 淡路島新鮮鹽醃裙帶菜
塩蔵生わかめ 漁師の手仕込み (淡路産) 『やわらかいのにプリッとして美味しい』 と、ご好評いただいているわかめです。 Farmed and prepared by fishermen at Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. Awaji Island Wakame seaweed - soft and silky Fresh wakame seaweed is best to go...
Regular price $23.99 CADSale price $23.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per$0.00 CAD -
Lake Hamana Aonori 浜中湖青海苔
青のり (静岡県浜名湖産) 無限の広がりを感じさせる磯の匂い、他に類を見ない独特の香り。天ぷらや味噌汁・吸い物の具材、海苔の佃煮の原料として親しまれている「あおさのり」。玉子焼きやパスタにも合い、毎日のおかずのレパートリーに彩りを添えてくれる食材です。また、美味しさだけでなく、抗腫瘍作用やコレステロール低下作用などの研究が進む、ラムナン硫酸を多く含むことから、機能性食品としての可能性にも注目が集まっています。 Aonori is a green seaweed of rocky shores of all the sea's and oceans. It is bright green and is often seen on the...
Regular price $11.99 CADSale price $11.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Premium Frozen Hokkaido Scallops 急凍北海道刺生級元貝
北海道産刺し身用冷凍ホタテ The best sashimi grade Hokkaido scallop from Japan. It's not just big in circumference it's also thick and surprisingly sweet throughout. There's no weird taste...
Regular price $89.99 CADSale price $89.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per$0.00 CAD -
Nodoguro Sashimi Loin (Aburi) 急凍赤鯥(黑喉)刺身
お刺身用炙りのどぐろ Nodoguro is a premium dish made from the blackthroat seaperch, a highly sought-after fish in Japanese cuisine. Known for its rich flavor and delicate texture,...
Regular price $68.99 CADSale price $68.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Frozen Pink Shrimp (Amaebi) 急凍日本甜蝦
甘えびむき身 20尾 Amaebi (raw sweet shrimp) is a popular delicacy in Japanese cuisine. Amaebi are prized for their naturally sweet flavor, delicate texture, and vibrant appearance....
Regular price $37.99 CADSale price $37.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Mosa Shrimp Sashimi (mosa ebi) 猛者海老刺生
モサエビ (幻の海老) Mosa ebi, also known as humpback shrimp, is a specialty delicacy from Tottori Prefecture in Japan. This rare shrimp is cherished for its rich...
Regular price $38.99 CADSale price $38.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Kani Miso In Shell (Frozen) 蟹味噌甲羅焼
かにみそ 甲羅入り Kani miso refers to a creamy, umami-rich paste made from the innards of crabs. Despite its name, it doesn't contain "miso" (fermented soybean paste) but is...
Regular price $13.99 CADSale price $13.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Monk Fish Liver (Ankimo) 安康魚肝
あん肝 Ankimo is a Japanese delicacy made from monkfish liver, often referred to as the "foie gras of the sea." It is typically steamed, seasoned with...
Regular price $27.99 CADSale price $27.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Awaji Island Boiled Shirasu (Fishermen Direct) 淡路島香甜吻仔魚
釜揚げシラス 淡路島漁師直売 獲れたての新鮮なしらすを釜ゆでし、急速に冷却して旨味をとじこめています。 Shirasu is a Japanese word that typically refers to the boiled and partially dried fry of sardine. The tiny little fish are popular...
Regular price $24.99 CADSale price $24.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per$0.00 CAD -
Hokkaido Sasaya Shiokara 北海道笹谷商店鹽辛花枝
いか塩辛 釧路港 瓶150g 北海道で獲れた新鮮ないかを使用した、釧之助のいか塩辛釧路港。塩辛特有の生臭さを極力抑えた味わいで塩分も控えめです。ご飯のお供として、酒の肴としておすすめできる逸品です。また、身の厚いいかを厳選して使っておりますので、食べ応えにもきっとご満足いただける仕上がりとなっております。 "Shiokara" is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented seafood, typically squid, although other types of seafood such as fish or octopus can...
Regular price $19.99 CADSale price $19.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per$0.00 CAD -
Hokkaido Sasaya Shoyu Ikura 北海道笹谷商店醬漬鮭魚卵
笹谷商店いくら醤油漬け (北海道産) Sourced directly from Hokkaido, our premium ikura is AAA grade and is amongst the best you can find. This Salmon Roe is made the...
Regular price $28.99 CADSale price $28.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per -
Candied Sardines (tazukuri) 日式蜜汁小魚乾
田作り 150g One of Awaji Island's famous item. Our supplier has been in business for 6 generations! Tazukuri is a very popular dish for Osechi Ryori and it is...
Regular price $16.99 CADSale price $16.99 CAD Regular priceUnit price per