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Niigata Koshihikari 新潟県産越光米

Regular price $49.99 CAD
Sale price $49.99 CAD Regular price
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Size: 5kg

新潟県産 白米 こしひかり

An average temperature of 24.5°C, long hours of sunlight and large temperature differences between day and night are ideal for growing delicious rice.  Coincidentally those conditions are found on the fields of Niigata.  That is why Niigata rice is some of the nation’s tastiest. In fact, the best dishes are often made with Niigata Koshihikari rice to take the flavor to the next level.

Niigata has the highest rice crop yield in all of Japan.  Furthermore, Niigata’s Koshihikara Rice has received an “A” in the annual taste ranking for 28 consecutive years. Its success has made it the most recognized rice brand among women living in greater Tokyo.  As the reputation grows, it is no surprise that Niigata Koshihikarai Rice is considered the best rice in Japan. 

日本稻米以水稻耕種為主,想要種出好吃的米,產地相當重要。需要有豐富乾淨的水源、廣闊平坦的土地,日夜溫差大的地區也有利稻米生長,稻米的產地也遍布全日本。全日本稻米產量第1名是新潟縣,第2、3名分別是北海道及秋田縣。 日本產米一直以來都有著嚴格的品質規管,無論產自哪個縣的米都能吃得安心又放心。


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