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Mugendo Ando Classic Mentsuyu (Concentrate) 無限堂安藤冷麵醬汁 (濃縮) Best before Nov 9th

Mugendo Ando Classic Mentsuyu (Concentrate) 無限堂安藤冷麵醬汁 (濃縮) Best before Nov 9th

Regular price $7.49 CAD
Regular price $14.99 CAD Sale price $7.49 CAD
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無限堂×安藤醸造 つゆ300ml (希釈用)



Ando Brewing, located in Akita Prefecture is best known for its additive-free, all natural production methods. The shop mainly produces soy sauce, miso, and pickled vegetables. 

Lightly smoky and full of umami, Mentsuyu is a Japanese soup base used in a multitude of noodle dishes.  Made from sake, mirin, soy sauce, kombu, and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), the flavor is delicate yet intensely savory.

In Japan, we use Mentsuyu as a basic sauce or broth to flavor everything from noodle dishes, rice bowls, hot pots to tempura dipping sauce.  To use Mentsuyu in a hot noodle soup, dilute it with water, heat it up, then pour over boiled noodles.  For cold noodle dipping sauce, the Mentsuyu is diluted with water, then serve with chilled noodles.

Recommended usage ratio:
As a noodle dipping sauce - 1 to 3~4 portions of water
As a noodle soup base - 1 to 7~8 portions of water

冷麵汁,又稱鰹魚汁,日文叫 つゆ (諗Tsuyu ),主要是用鰹魚來做,也有用其他魚類、昆布或香辛料,曬乾了的鰹魚會被削成薄片,即是鰹削節(有人叫木魚碎),就是那些灑在燒章魚丸子上,不停跳動的啡色薄片,再用鰹削節及昆布來餚製鰹魚汁。 在日式超市,有一支支現成的冷麵汁,部分為濃縮版,需要加水稀釋。


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