Seasoned Kazunoko 北海道味付鯡魚子
味付け数の子 180g
Read to eat! Kazunoko is one of the popular dishes in Osechi Ryori (おせち料理), the Japanese New Year food. What is Kazunoko? It’s herring roe that’s marinated in dashi soy sauce seasoning. As Kazunoko symbolizes many children and prosperous family, this rare and expensive delicacy is considered an important part of Osechi.
Each roe is a collection of tiny eggs and it has a beautiful golden color. As you bite into it, it gives crunchy texture. The tiny eggs break apart from each other and disintegrate inside your mouth. The individual eggs have a caviar/tobiko-like texture.
在傳統的新年中,鯡魚子絕對是一道會出現的菜。鯡魚子鹹香又美味、有點硬又帶點脆脆口感,但是感覺是道溫和的海鮮。 通常直接吃下肚又或是配上白飯一起吃,這是傳統新年的一道佳餚。
鯡魚卵外觀相當好辨認,呈現淡黃色或粉色,因為鹽醃後會魚卵比此會黏在一起,看起來很像一塊完整的魚肉。比起其他魚卵,鯡魚子相當結實、觸感富有彈性,吃起來頗富脆口嚼勁,一般多做成握壽司食用,也有日本料理店會直接當作生魚片上桌。 解涷後可直接食用,亦可用作壽司或沙津材料。
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