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Suehiro Koikuchi Soy Sauce 末廣濃口醤油

Suehiro Koikuchi Soy Sauce 末廣濃口醤油

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龍野 本造り醤油濃口 500ml瓶

Koikuchi is the most common type of soy sauce in Japan, so it's great for beginners. It has a darker color and stronger flavor than usukuchi light soy sauce, so it's versatile enough to use as a dipping sauce, or to use in cooking, while retaining its flavor. Use this koikuchi shoyu sauce as a dipping sauce, a finishing sauce, or as a seasoning in cooking. It pairs especially well with grilled fish dishes.

This koikuchi shoyu is made with 100% domestic whole Japanese soybeans and wheat, as well as sun-dried salt, and has been naturally brewed and aged to ensure the best possible flavor.

明治12年(西元1879年) ,末廣醬油株式會社於日本兵庫縣龍野市創立,在『醬油之鄉』用心製作醬油達130多年,承襲日式傳統釀造工藝,培育天然酵母,堅持使用日本國產大豆與小麥,製造質佳味美的濃口醬油。

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